
Kitchen Remodeling


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Delicious Kitchen Remodeling Tips

A tasteful kitchen remodeling is like baking a good cake: you need the right mix of looks and taste to make it a banger. Also, you’d need some consistency in both batter and interior design to serve its initial purpose of feeding your loved ones and yourself.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

It’s all about mixing a kitchen interior design with modern practicality in order to make your life more sweet and enjoyable, just like a nice Sunday dessert. After all, you want to make sure you aim for a true home improvement, and not just some kitchen remodeling sparkle.

Below you will find some tasteful kitchen remodeling tips to turn your kitchen into a treat:

Choose natural interior design materials

A kitchen design that uses wooden finishes will warm up the place better than your oven.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

Even more, adding natural elements such as plants, leather, or hemp cloth will give a homely, cozy look to your new custom kitchen, contrasting colder materials such as marble tops or tile flooring.

Opt for a practical kitchen interior design

Kitchen design is not all about how it looks, but also about how practical your new kitchen will prove to be. Open shelves might look inviting, but at the same time the items on it will require regular cleanups since kitchens are bound to be messy.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

The same applies to finding a suitable location for the garbage disposal, since it needs to be somewhere easy to reach between sink and worktop.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

The best would be to think of an interior design that includes everything you need for your custom kitchen, then setting it on paper while having the concept of easy-use in mind.

Stick to one design choice

It’s good to show personality with your kitchen design, but don’t overdo it and turn it into a disco-zone. Dare for a splash of color and attitude here and there, yet try to keep it fairly restrained while following a similar pattern for your entire custom kitchen.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

If out of ideas, simple cabinet and countertop pieces can be a stylish choice, and all you need is a dash of spicy, colorful items to give your custom kitchen that personal touch.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

Also, make sure to fit your new custom kitchen into your custom home. Match the colors and elements of design from the kitchen to complete the ones of your home. Otherwise, it will look as if you’re living in different houses when entering your odd kitchen.

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Even if the size of your kitchen is relatively small, that doesn’t mean you can’t make it better.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

Keep the appliances as well as kitchen stuff to the essential minimum, think of rolling – expanding – folding furniture, go high with the shelves, and install bigger windows to let natural light make the room feel bigger.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

Now, if your kitchen is actually a kitchenette – like the ones you would find in a studio or accessory dwelling unit (ADU), think of multipurpose for everything in that kitchen:

a worktop can also serve as a dining table,
folding chairs can be hidden away if not used,
a microwave can be built into the upper cupboards leaving the countertops free,
or a mini-fridge can be concealed by lower panels, leaving the space on top free.

Add a kitchen island

Kitchen islands are a lot more than what you see on TV, with angry chefs running around them while pressured by time.

Kitchen Remodeling

This useful home improvement will not only give a modern look to your kitchen, but it will also serve as the place where an entire family can gather together while you prepare their diner in front of them, or it can be the ideal place to grab that fast lunch if pressured by time.

Kitchen Remodeling

If more kitchen space is necessary, you can choose to extend your current kitchen through a kitchen bump out or a room addition. Though, it’s good to have in mind that the entire home design will change with it.

Make a nook

If space allows it, think of adding a nook to your kitchen renovation plans. Nothing fancy, a bench, a recliner, even a small couch placed in a corner with some plump pillows and warm blankets can make it the ideal place to have your morning coffee, or that hot cocoa in the middle of the night.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

This idea will also work great for an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), where instead of a kitchenette, you can have a larger half kitchen/half living, and earn more space for both – making it a great overall home remodeling concept.

Gather samples

Since you want to make sure that the kitchen remodeling contractor of your choice gets a clear idea of what needs to be done, gather a visual list of paint colors, flooring, cabinets, tops, and hardware.

Kitchen Remodeling | SOD Home Group

There’s plenty of inspiration to do that online or in magazines, or you can visit your local stores and gather around their brochures or other print materials. Even better, ask for a rendition of the finished project from your kitchen remodeling contractor if possible.

For more ideas like the ones shown above, feel free to get in touch with us for a friendly chat. We have tons of clever kitchen remodeling concepts ready to share with you.

Sod Home Group is the top kitchen remodeling contractor in California, offering exquisite kitchen remodeling services for the past decade. Because just like a calorie-free cake, we believe that any home renovation should be delightful and carefree.

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